Myths and Facts About Tobacco
There are a lot of myths and facts about tobacco; maybe some of the things you heard weren’t true, and some of the things that are true you believe are myths. For example, you may believe that smoking will help you lose weight, so you begin to smoke. However, that is not correct. This whole idea comes from tobacco companies in the early to mid 1900’s from an advertising campaign. Only 1/3 of the people that actually try to smoke to lose weight, actually lose weight. 1/3 of people that smoke to lose weight stay the same weight, and about 1/3 gains weight. But maybe this won’t convince you. Maybe you think that once you are addicted then there is no use in trying to quit because the damage is done; wrong again. When you stop smoking, the body will start to repair itself automatically. Your lung function will improve after one week, after 20 minutes blood pressure and pulse rates will return back to normal, and nerve endings will grow back. After about 10-15 years you are much less likely to contract tobacco related diseases. If this doesn’t convince you, and you still believe tobacco myths like “Smoking will help me to relax,” then, you’re wrong again. A substance found in tobacco called nicotine is a stimulant that speeds up your body. If you’re trying to relax, smoking is not the thing for you. There are many other ways to relax your body, such as: sleeping, breathing techniques, practicing healthy dietary choices, exercising, massages, positive thinking, meditation, picking up a hobby, spending time with pets, spending time with positive people, and definitely NOT smoking. But maybe you aren’t convinced enough. Do you think that smoking isn’t a drug problem? Wrong. Again, the nicotine in tobacco is very very addictive, so addictive that it has been compared to heroin and cocaine. You may also have withdrawal symptoms, such as: irritability, insomnia, and nervousness. Some things you drink every day can also increase you craving for nicotine, like coffee, soda, and alcohol. There is also a little thing called nicotine poisoning as a result from smoking. So basically, just don’t smoke tobacco. It can affect you physically and emotionally in so many ways, and is NOT a good thing to put into your body.